Complete Your Application Next, fill out the form below and be the first to know about our upcoming programs and courses. Name * First Name Last Name What stage of your career are you? * Undergraduate Student Graduate Student Clinical Fellowship Year Early Career SLP (2-6 years in the field) Experienced SLP (6+ years in the field) What setting(s) do you work in (for students, please select your setting of interest)? * Inpatient Hospital Outpatient Hospital Skilled Nursing Facility School Private Practice Pre-School Where are you from? * Where are you/did you study? * Would you be interested in participating in a 6 week exchange program covering the topics of bi/multilingualism + bi/multiculturalism for SLPs? Yes No Maybe (depends on date & price) On average, how much do you budget for professional development per year? Share with us you experience with bilingualism Are you bi/multilingual? What sparked your interests in bi/multilingualism? Share with us some of your biggest question(s) about bi/multilingualism. What type of resources on bi/multilingualism would make your job/life easier? Email * You are now registered for the waitlist. Please check your email to confirm your subscription.